Today was the second time going out with Ella Ruth on an improvised little shoot. We had planned to head to the botanical gardens in Sheffield but unfortunately they were closed while they set up a Christmas something. We walked to Weston Park instead and another little park next to it. It's proper cold in Sheffield now. Just holding the camera for a while with my bare hands was painful. Ella had the right idea: fingerless-gloves. Will be purchasing some soon. We had a fun time, finding little places, nooks that looked good to shoot in, planning other shoots once it stopped being so cold and rainy. It was also brief respite from all the course work I have backed up. Deadlines next Friday, scary prospect. I also had a 50mm on loan from the University PhotoSoc, which was fun since my camera won't autofocus with it, made me work just a bit harder for every shot. This isn't the best post, my writing skills are stretched rather thin at the moment. Hopefully after next week I'll make a decent post. Next time we go out on out mini-flickr meetups we might be dragging Edward Miller along, fingers crossed, going to make him work with only natural light.
All images ©Nathalie Donado